Program Structure

Applications are no longer being accepted for the 2025 RREMS Program.

The Rehabilitation Research Experience for Medical Students (RREMS) is an eight-week funded summer externship designed to expose medical students to a structured research experience and respected academic physiatrists. Established in 2007, this competitive program has helped over 80 medical students with little exposure to PM&R confidently choose a fulfilling career. First year medical students are encouraged to apply, but all are welcome!

Directed by Brad Dicianno, MD, the goal of RREMS is to enhance the visibility of the specialty and accelerate the development of high-caliber physicians and researchers in PM&R. We're proud to have had many success stories over the years.

RREMS is supported by the Craig H. Neilson Foundation and the Physiatry Foundation.


RREMS students spend eight weeks working on their proposed research plan at the sponsor site of an accomplished PM&R mentor. In addition to the research completed during the program, many students are also given the opportunity to spend time in the clinic with their mentors. Participants are given a $4,000 stipend, and the sponsor site also covers registration and travel to the AAP's Annual Meeting, where students present scientific papers. Learn more from our RREMS Director, Brad Dicianno, MD:

The specific dates of the program are determined by the student and site sponsor if the research project is funded. The program requires students to complete eight consecutive weeks at their site.

YouTube video

How to Apply


More Information

Site Sponsors

Site sponsor institutions are committed to advancing the specialty by hosting students for the Rehabilitation Research Experience for Medical Students (RREMS). Students select a site sponsor with a research focus they are interested in exploring, then work with them to develop a proposal that is submitted with their application. If selected, the student then spends eight weeks working with their mentor at the site sponsor to develop their abstract.

Apply to this Program

Applications for 2025 RREMS program are no longer being accepted.

The AAP's Virtual Intro to PM&R will be held in June. More information will be available later in the Spring.


Contact Amy Schnappinger, Program Manager