Call for Abstracts for Physiatry '25
We look forward to sharing your cutting-edge case reports, research studies and scientific papers at Physiatry '25 in Phoenix, AZ! Our Poster Gallery provides a forum for a one-on-one, in-depth discussion about the latest advances in physiatry. More than 1,000 posters were presented in person at our last Annual Meeting.
New this year, selected Best Papers and Top Posters will have a chance to win cash prizes!
We will offer up to 7 awards for outstanding abstract submissions related to education, leadership, and research-oriented work in physiatry. These cash prizes will be awarded for the extra effort that goes into preparing a top-caliber presentation:
- First Place (Research Study): $3,000
- Second Place (Research Study): $1,500
- Honorable Mentions (Research Study OR Case Report): $500 each (up to 6 winners)
Guidelines on submissions, details on how to submit and in what format, and a link to submit your abstracts are below.
Thank you,
AAP Staff
Preparing & Submitting Your Abstract
Testimonials from Past Presenters
Ready to submit?
Abstracts are due September 12, 2024