Advocating for Physiatrists & Patients

Visit our AAP Advocacy blog for timely updates and diverse perspectives!

Board of Trustees and Public Policy Committee

The AAP’s Board of Trustees and Public Policy Committee advocate and increase awareness on issues related to research conduct and funding, undergraduate and graduate medical education, disability rights, and other issues affecting physiatrists and their patients on Capitol Hill.

We also want to help you be successful physician advocates! Read our Advocacy Pearls created by the AAP's Board of Trustees, Public Policy Committee and lobbyists Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP.

Learn more about advocacy, meeting with your legislator, and lobbying in the AAP's "Advocacy in Action" Video Library.

YouTube video

Representatives of Interest

The AAP’s Public Policy Committee maintains a listing of key members of interest in the House, Senate, and relevant committees.

Sign-On Letters

The AAP periodically supports and signs on to legislative letters.

Contact Your Representative

Your elected officials need to hear from you! Legislators are greatly influenced by what they know and opinions they hear - especially from the people they represent. By communicating with a state legislator or a member of Congress, you can have a profound impact on the government policies that most affect your specialty.

They hear from constituents and special interest groups about many diverse issues ranging from education to transportation to foreign policy. They also need to hear from physicians that treat people with disabilities and chronic conditions. Do not assume they know all the facts or challenges for these patients in your community. It is incumbent upon you to provide them with the information they need to fully understand.

You should communicate with legislators from around your state, not just the elected representative from your district. It is important to represent the people you treat.