Best Practices for Presenters

Thank you for joining us in our mission to connect physiatry professionals, encourage collaboration and education, and advance the specialty by presenting a session and/or poster at Physiatry ‘25, the AAP’s 2025 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona February 25-March 1, 2025.

*Be sure to bookmark this page and refer to it often to make sure you’ve completed all of the tasks we need to confirm, schedule, and promote your presentation.

Speaker & Presentation Guidelines

Now that your session has been accepted, review the tips below to make sure your presentation follows our guidelines.

  • As a speaker and/or poster presenter, you must be registered for the conference.
  • We respectfully request that all speakers and scientific paper presenters use our branded slides.
  • If you have not already done so, please log in to the Speaker Portal and complete and fill out a Disclosure Form under your Tasks List.
  • Specific slide content guidelines 
    • All slides will be checked for adherence to ACCME policies by AAP staff before the meeting.
    • Slide #1 must be your title slide and Slide #2 must be your disclosure slide. Your disclosure statement should list all commercial relationships relevant to your specific talk. Disclosures must never include the use of a trade name or a product-group message. Use the secondary slide if you have no disclosures to include.
    • Do not reference any company/product brand names during your presentation. However, institution logos (e.g. non-company/product logos such as universities, non-profit associations, and government agencies) are allowed.
  • Bring a copy of your presentation on a flash drive with you. Presentations will not be preloaded onto the computers in the session rooms.
  • If you are presenting a poster, please refer here to our Poster Guide.


For more detailed information, log in to our Speaker Portal.

Speaker Portal


Don’t forget to spread the word!

Physiatry ‘25 would not be what it is without amazing presenters such as you. We want to help you draw an audience for your big ideas. Here are helpful tools to market yourself:

  • Spread the word using these custom-made graphics across your digital digital platforms.
  • Write a blog post about your accepted topic. Let us know so we can share!
  • Create a 60-second video encouraging people to attend your educational session or workshop. As Physiatry ‘25 attendees start planning their schedules, we want to help them get acquainted with you and your topic. Email your completed video so we can publish and share. We will not be sharing videos for poster presentations.
  • Use the event hashtag #Physiatry25 across all social media platforms.


Thank you for being a part of Physiatry ‘25!

Creating a schedule with the amount of content we have is very complicated, and we need your cooperation to be flexible with us. Please do not plan meetings or other activities until you know the date and time of your session. It is very difficult to make changes once the schedule is set.

We also request that all of our presenters spend time partaking in other conference activities, beyond your scheduled presentation/s. Enjoy all that Physiatry ’25 has to offer! Our attendees are eager to spend time with thought leaders. So make sure you schedule time to attend our networking events, poster galleries and more.

This is anticipated to be the AAP’s most innovative meeting yet, and we are grateful to add your hot topic to our schedule.



Get In Touch

Publish Date

August 27, 2024

Resource Type

    • Guidelines
    • Poster & Presenters
    • Presentation

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